Common Gym Errors: Overhead Press
- Train more effectively
- Technique pointers
One of the most effective ways to improve your fitness is to incorporate a gym plan with resistance training. Overhead or shoulder press can qyichky build up overall strength.
Despite being a challenging exercise, it is extremely rewarding when done well.
- Base
There are two options when it comes to stance. The split stance incorporates one foot in front of the other to stabilize the body and particularly helps the lower back. The normal stands of feet being parallel, allows you to push through the legs and the back therefore generating more power.
It really is a matter of personal preference. I prefer the split stance due to the fact that it assists with the posture.
For beginners, with a lighter weight, the parallel stance would be the best option in order to build stability and correct technique.
2) Range
the ideal range of a shoulder press would be from the collar bone to the arms being fully extended at the top of the movement.
Shortening the movement, in the case of this exercise will make it more challenging, particularly if you're not completing the top-half of the movement and therefore keeping strain on the muscle before the press is complete.
It depends on your goals and overall training plan as to which one is better.
3) Speed / Tempo
There are multiple ways to gauge the tempo of your movement but the most effective is a consistent movement down and up.
Three seconds is ideal for making the muscles work to the correct intensity.
Anything under two seconds for each half of the movement is rushed. You can also concentrate on feeling the correct muscles contract and relax.
There are additional factors that you can use like breaking each repetition into four aspects,’ with a pause at the beginning and halfway point of the movement. This breaks up the motion and causes the muscles to work much harder.
In general, the shoulder press should be a powerful movement to the top and slow / controlled on the way down.
4) Leg Power
Shoulder press is one exercise where the legs can dictate the ease of movement. Pushing more before legs will take pressure off the back and make the exercise slightly easier. However, to make the exercise more challenging, complete it with merely the shoulders and the arms in order to work the muscles through the correct range.
Again, working muscles in isolation makes an exercise more challenging then trying to make it a whole body exercise. This may seem against your instincts (where every muscle should help) but over the longer run it will make you for stronger.
5) Core Activation
Failure to activate your core can lead to injury.. The main thought here should be to keep your chest up and elbows directly under the bar.
Failure to do this will lead to toppling forward or weight sliding towards your toes. The main crux of power comes from the rear chain of movement; so pushing through your heels on the way up and using the power of the hamstrings.
That being said, the anterior of the body should be supporting the movement, so you should feel like your abdominal muscles are braced and keeping the weight firmly balanced.
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