Home Training: Giant Sets
- Adapted training for home Workouts
- New training ideas
Training simply doesn’t need to be one dimensional. I thrive when trying new things as I find it catalyses the body into action.
Lately I have been using giant set training to get results. This is very simple and exceptionally effective.
in its most basic form, three exercises are performed in a miniature circuit style. This means that training is not only more time efficient but it encourages overload in the muscles and gets fantastic results.
When training from home there is a restriction in terms of the amount of variety but this can be circumnavigated by expanding into an experimental realm of sets, repetitions etc.
In fact, the last couple of months I have been trying different things and they have evolved, I’m currently using giant set training.
My current experimentation is 3 exercises back-to-back but with the first exercise being 10 repetitions, II being for a duration of 45 seconds and the third one for 12 repetitions (as a post fatigue).
These are all targeted on the same muscle group. So in a training session I would have three giant sets performed 4 times and this would mean that I can achieve a lot in a limited space of time.
The main motivation behind this type of training is to fatigue the muscles faster as previously mentioned. It is quite intense but structured correctly it will provide fantastic results even over a short space of time.
In my training from home I have tweaked the exercises the duration, the equipment used and so forth. I have discovered enough variety to keep it interesting.
If you had asked me over the past few years if I could get results without access to a gym I would have severely doubted it but training principles like these make it far more accessible and are available on the RYPT app.
I found that even with a restricted amount of equipment by varying the training structure I’m able to get results regardless of the amount of weight used.
In my opinion, this is where an experienced fitness coach excels and it’s certainly beneficial with a personal touch as I have designed plans around my preferences.
The RYPT beginner’s home workout plan is scheduled on the RYPT Facebook page, LinkedIn and is available with a day by day plan by contacting me directly.
RYPT is built around sustainability, moderation and enjoyment. Through the RYPT app, you will be guided every step of the way and have full support too.
If you have any questions about health, fitness, wellbeing, exercise or nutrition please contact me directly for help!
Owner RYPT.
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