Importance of change
- How to succeed faster
- The mindset of fitness
Being in the current state of self isolation requires us to change our routine whether we like it or not.
Change, whether in life or fitness, is often an ordeal but doesn't happen inside our comfort zone. Often when we achieve our biggest successes, it's when we leave behind our apprehensions. For me, my biggest achievement was going from struggling with my health to running a marathon.
Furthermore, challenging myself to become a Fitness coach in the first place (despite having only been working out on my own 8 years ago) led to good things.
There are always going to be times when it's difficult but the end goal far outweighs the process. There has never been a better time to get into fitness. Regardless of your fitness level, starting out will help with everything from concentration, energy, focus and motivation. At a time when it's easy to suffer with your mental health and he apathetic, I challenge you to try the RYPT beginners home fitness workouts.
The most challenging part of daily life at the moment is not having a routine. Eating and sleeping patterns can be all over the place. However, I find that Exercise does improve both of these. Training at the same time every day gives you predictability and a routine that ensures you can have balance in your life.
There are only so many times I can say this and if you haven't experienced fitness or exercise then words are futile until you try. The endorphin rush you get from fitness is like nothing else; unlike drugs or alcohol, you feel great but also get something from it. That's what I love about training beginner's, they get addicted to the progress.
Change doesn't need to be just starting fitness, it can be altering your fitness plan. The biggest change about self isolation is being forced to adapt our exercise. Whether it's walking or strength training at home, we all need to adapt our fitness. The worst thing we can do is nothing! I realise that statement is paradoxical.
Even going for a walk with the dog has improved my mental outlook and is keeping me positive until this is all over.
At times like these, it's often just a short burst of exercise that makes me feel great and gives me motivation to be productive throughout the day.
I've just finished recording the fourth week of exercises for the RYPT home workout plan.
It's great to see so many of my old clients signing up for the free RYPT Home Workout series. No catches it's just a progressive exercise plan for beginners or intermediate level fitness using bodyweight and basic equipment.
Change doesn't need to be wholesale, just moving can be a start. The energy required to even begin is often less than we anticipate and the longer we leave it, the worse it becomes.
The RYPT home workout plan is scheduled on the RYPT Facebook page, LinkedIn and is available with a day by day plan by contacting me directly.
RYPT is built around sustainability, moderation and enjoyment. Through the RYPT app, you will be guided every step of the way and have full support too.
If you have any questions about health, fitness, wellbeing, exercise or nutrition please contact me directly for help!
Owner RYPT.
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