Importance of Relaxation
- Best time-efficient techniques
- Improve your mindset
Whilst training is important, relaxation is also vital. When expending energy, it's important to consider the recovery aspects too. Training, particularly at high intensity is not only difficult to maintain but also a challenge to maintain long-term health.
There are numerous methods ro recover, relax and improve your mental outlook. However, a time-efficient routine is definitely the best strategy particularly when it will mean more consistency over the long-term.
Firstly, you need to decide what is the most effective time of day to perform such a routine. It doesn't need to take long, even 10 or 15 minutes will be more than enough. The key is getting the consistency to undertake such a routine, even a shorter one.
For me, a meditation app, foam rolling on a basic stretches whilst concentrating on posture are the most important factors. Routines consisting of three of these exercises will take me roughly 10 minutes. For me it is challenging to find the motivation to undertake this although I do tend to prioritise it in the evening when I have more time to do these things. Once you've done it once, the effect snowballs and it becomes easier each night. I've even thrown in a short abdominal workout to help my back too.
The best app for me is the Breathe app. It is free, has a massive database of routines and is simple to use. Headspace is also an exceptionally good app that takes you through guided meditation. These will sooth and assist with your sleep. It's difficult to explain the effectiveness until you try it.
For me, foam rolling is essential, particularly with the high volume of lifting I do in the gym and also the repetitive strain from running.
I would advocate basic stretching initially as foam rolling is quite technic orientated and can be quite painful. I would only advise doing this with the guidance of a fitness professional. Foam rolling is a good way to relieve knots in muscle and and help with flexibility. I would not advocate it for everybody common as people with particularly tight muscles can suffer from excruciating pain. alternatively, a basic all over body stretching routine is more than sufficient if performed on a regular basis. You should be looking at holding the stretch for 10 to 15 seconds and performing it two to three times for each one.
Lately, I have noticed that there has been an increase in muscular aches and pains. Perhaps this is due to age but I have decided to do something about it. My pre bedtime routine of a core workout and stretches is certainly designed to alleviate this. Over time, it will have an impact as even the shortest of routines performed consistently will create, what I hope, is an addictive routine guaranteed to get results.
The first step is the most difficult and even just getting to a position where your are slightly more active is a challenge. Once you've conquered this, then you will be on the path to success. RYPT is about beginner's fitness, mindset and professional guidance.
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