My Training Plan: October 2018
- Tips for your training
- What I’m doing to get results
As you’ll know if you read my blogs on a regular basis, changing your training plan (or periodisation) is a vital component of improving your fitness. Doing the same thing not only gets boring but stops getting results.
The structure of the sessions has remained primarily the same although the general setup has been adjusted. I’m still following the general template…
Monday: chest workout
Tuesday: leg workout
Wednesday: back workout
Thursday: focus on nutrition
Friday: shoulder workout
Saturday: Run (60 mins endurance)
Sunday: Run (30 mins intensity)
The week is structured around the gym however, cardio is still important too.
The repetitions dictate the weight and not the other way around (as is common with people who just “wing it” in the gym).
The repetitions in the gym is where it all changes in this training plan.
I am now following a template of supersets but looking to build muscle (so the weights are heavier and hence repetitions are lower).
The first exercise has been adapted to focus solely on strength training with SIX repetitions forward by a secondary exercise of 10 repetitions for the first two sets then 8 for the last two.
The short intervals of rest (10 to 15 seconds) are needed with the supplementary exercise on the same muscle group.
So the plan looks like this:
Exercise A 6 repetitions
10–15 second rest
Exercise B 10 repetitions
(Repeat for two sets)
Exercise A 6 repetitions
10–15 second test
Exercise B 8 repetitions
(Repeat for two sets)
This has really diversified my training and incorporated more strength, stamina and cardiovascular aspects than previous training routines.
The body soon adapts to training stimulus and a regularly adapted training plan is definitely the best way to get results. This training plan means that I am fatiguing the body a lot faster in the training sessions and therefore pushing my body to it’s limits meaning that the training sessions are fractionally shorter. Supersets are a fantastic way to maximise your training and get more into a shorter session without having to sacrifice quality.
That’s why I’ve reduced the repetitions again after the last 6 week block (even if it is just slightly).
Lower repetitions build strength as you are able to lift heavier and therefore push the body beyond the limitations of higher repetitions.
Approaching the winter, my training will be less about cardiovascular / outdoor running and more about gym conditioning and strength.
Already after a handful of sessions, I can see and feel the strength improve. It’s important that the results are evident or motivation will be lost.
A solid plan is definitely the way to get results, knowing your routine not only speeds up the workout but improves motivation. Every one my clients has a unique combination of specialised plans to get optimal results: there is no set template.
RYPT is all about sustainability, motivation and enjoyment. If you do not have these three factors in your fitness plan, then it will be far less likely to succeed.
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