Nutrition Explained: Alcohol
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- Nutritional concepts examined
I appreciate that getting in getting fit there can be alien concepts and that there are lots of confusing terms and widespread jargon.
If you read my recent blogs you’ll know that I hate gym myths that are perpetuated.
A rather apt topic as it is the weekend but it’s important to set the facts straight and put it into a realistic context.
It seems with fitness that alcohol is a taboo and something that you need to avoid if you want to lose weight. However, this is not necessarily the case (I know you thought you would never hear that in a health blog).
Alcohol gets a bad rap and yes, if you do consistently overdo it then you will struggle with weight gain but that doesn’t mean that you need to avoid it completely.
As part of a balanced Nutritional plan, you should allow yourself to enjoy life too.
In the case of energy per unit, alcohol comes in last place (or first for most energy!). So if you’re aiming to control your weight then you should consider a moderated intake. At 2g per calorie more than fat, it does make startling reading if you’ve had a heavy night.
The fundamental problem with alcohol is that the body decides to burn off all other energy reserves first (including muscle).
Furthermore, the general lethargy that follows and the association with poor choices (either late night or next day) mean that impact is not only Nutritional.
I must admit that exercise does help alleviate the symptoms (in my opinion anyway) besides green tea and consuming plenty water. Although there is only so much it can do it you have overdone it the night before!
Ultimately it comes down to your discretion. If you want faster results then my advice is moderation and use it as a treat, not to remove it entirely. There is a case that sensibly moderated consumption of alcohol can improve wellness. Your nutritional plan should work around YOU and your goals, not necessarily what works for others or what articles / research tells you.
RYPT offers full support through nutritional guidance and training plans (all accessible and provided with a free consultation). Whatever your end goal; RYPT can help you reach it with sustainability, moderation and enjoyment.
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