Nutrition Explained: Fat Burners
- Improve your wellness instantly
- Nutritional concepts examined
I appreciate that getting in getting fit there can be alien concepts and that there are lots of confusing terms and widespread jargon.
If you read my recent blogs you’ll know that I hate gym myths that are perpetuated.
Shortcuts and fitness don’t go together (as you’ll know if you’ve tried to change your lifestyle). Therefore, the concept of “fat burners” is an interesting one.
Fundamentally, these are based on tablets that are consumed on a regular basis in order to facilitate weight loss.
Sounds incredible, however it generally acts as a crutch to aid fluid loss and not as a long term solution. If taking pills to cure all ails was the solution, we wouldn’t need to put anything else into our body.
The idea of fat burners is somewhat of an unregulated concept. Companies will often include all sorts of ingredients (not necessarily safe for human consumption). These are designed to increase body temperature and lead to fluid loss which is not conducive to health weight loss.
Yes, it is a short term fix but entirely unsustainable and not healthy!
Dehydrating your body will lead to weight loss. but realistically this will be undone over time and cannot be maintained. The best way to lose weight is a healthy, balanced and sustainable lifestyle (as cliched as that is). “Miracle” tablets are never the ultimate solution to a healthy lifestyle. I often think of it like waking up tomorrow with £1 million pounds in your bank account…there is definitely instant happiness but as with the tales of lottery winners prove, it often becomes more depressing over the longer piece as we disassociate with our routine and lose track of what makes us happy and a level of scaled progress. In my opinion, lottery winners would be far better off if the money was divided over time much like the way that instant weight loss isn’t maintainable and steady progress is the solution (as difficult as it can seem).
Fitness should be fun and we should ultimately feel the reward and progress of getting fit. Eating healthier can be a chore but dedicating time to yourself is always worth it. Similar to spending time gardening: it’s easy to neglect but the final outcome of a productive and beneficial investment of time is a brilliant reward. Losing weight is slow and can be tiring but seeing the progress you make and feeling happier cannot be reached by consuming a pill.
Ultimately, getting your heart rate up for short bursts of moderate intensity exercise is a quick way to improve your wellbeing. The endorphin rush is far greater and you will also be able to track your progress.
I enjoy the challenge of improving my fitness. If I struggle at something there is extra drive to succeed.
Dedicating time to learning about nutrition will stand you in good stead for making healthier choices, moderating calories and getting the sustainability of results that fat burners cannot provide.
So remember the solution is to understand what works on a scientific level and pick you sources of information wisely. If you need any additional support or have questions, feel free to contact me directly.
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