Nutrition Explained: Perfect Preworkout Snack
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- Nutritional concepts examined
I appreciate that getting in getting fit there can be alien concepts and that there are lots of confusing terms and widespread jargon.
If you read my recent blogs you’ll know that I hate gym myths that are perpetuated.
Sometimes getting the energy for a workout can be tough the part. Having a long day then trying to motivate yourself to get a training session in is difficult (especially if it’s not part of your routine).
Mindset certainly plays a role but if the body is unable to perform then there is only so much it can do.
With the vast selection of food available, making a healthy and energising choice may leave you stumped.
Sugar is prevalent in most of these foods but not conducive to healthy lifestyle choices. On the other hand, should it help you perform a workout that would have otherwise been missed then there is a case to be made.
Ideally a Preworkout snack should contain low GI foods, so ideally oats or bran to provide a slow and sustained energy release. Sugar may be needed to some extent to give you a kick but be weary of the level.
Cereal bars particularly, are high in sugar and often unjustifiably so.
A balance can be made with protein levels as this will assist with muscle growth and feeling full.
Pre workout snacks are normally going to be something quick and easy to devour rather than a heavier meal. Therefore, a small carton of milk could also be viable to give you the boost required. Training on an empty stomach is not advised (so even a chocolate bar is preferable, yes I did say that!)
Mixing preferences with a sustainable diet is one of the most challenging aspects of health and wellness.
RYPT is about providing a well rounded nutritional plan without sacrificing what you love and ensuring that the training side is enjoyable too.
RYPT offers full support through nutritional guidance and training plans (all accessible and provided with a free consultation). Whatever your end goal; RYPT can help you reach it with sustainability, moderation and enjoyment.
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