RYPT Mindset Corner: Overthinking
- How to succeed in your fitness goals
- Why we avoid taking action
As a new addition to the RYPT online blogging, I have decided that I will be looking at one idea of psychology each week and reviewing how it can help with your fitness.
This week: Overthinking
Thinking too much is detrimental to taking action: especially in the realm of health and fitness.
Much like the basic human instincts are flight, fright or freeze, not taking action is a method to counter signs of stress. There is a reason that we don’t take action and more often that not, it’s because we perceive a danger.
So, before you get caught up in a cycle of overthinking, contemplate what it is that you’re really avoiding. Perhaps you hate the fundamental idea of a gym and maybe it’s not for you or maybe you’re on a negative feedback loop about a past experience. There will be something. Aversion is a way to avoid action and therefore more stress (essentially although you know it’s good for you, your body is in a self preservation mode).
It’s easier to stay in our comfort zone than try something new and overthinking is an extension of this.
Realistically all you need to do to overcome this fear is ask yourself: why? What is the reason that you’re afraid. The most common reasons are: failure in the past, worried about looking foolish or uncertainty about the outcome.
All of these are based around future predictions with no guarantee of it actually happening. Once again, self preservation mode kicks in. When you ground yourself in the present moment and realise that it’s a new opportunity with no premeditated outcome then there is no reason to worry about it.
For me, I used to love running but have trepidation about the gym (as I wasn’t 100% sure of what and why I was doing there). Once I conquered that hurdle and tried things (besides finding out the gym was a lot quieter and less intimidating than I imagined, I was fine).
You just need to analyse the root cause of your fear and go back to basics.
There is an element of needing to try something in order to conquer your fears and often it’s not as daunting as it seems but that first mental hurdle is always the highest. That’s why the RYPT app is designed for beginners with full demonstrations of each exercise so wherever you workout, you can have 100% confidence and support.
Fitness should not an aspiration for people, it should be attainable and you can start today knowing that you’re on the right track.
If you want guidance then RYPT is here to assist.
Find the latest RYPT Beginner’s Basics Lifestyle Plan on the website now: 30 days of full support and guidance for just £30! Don’t miss out.
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Ross Yeoman
RYPT Owner