- YOUR latest beginner’s training plan
- * A full beginner’s success guide
- ** Free trial available on RYPT services, simply check out the website now for info **
Week ten and the main determining factor of success should be once again, the distance on the longer runs! Ideally your longer distances by now should be around 10 miles consistently and hopefully quite comfortably.
Alternatively, even if you’ve only managed a couple of runs per week, the distance should still be building up.
After this 12 week plan, there will be an intermediate level program coming up in May.
As always the RYPT running guide can be varied for your own goals. This week, I also suggest that you try an even split of distance and interval training. Although this week should be about building up the accumulative distance. Slightly different from last week
For example…
Monday: interval
Wednesday: Distance
Friday: rest
Saturday: distance
Sunday: distance (if possible)
Here we go…
Main run…
This week’s primary run is a mixture of different concepts with escalating difficulty revolving around improving lung capacity.
Warmup with a brisk walk / light run for five to ten minutes. Enough to get the heart rate up and the muscles loosened.
I) Distance – 30. minutes
Using a tracking watch or app, simply as far as you can get in 20 minutes. Also note the distance for next week.
II) Tabata – 8 minutes
You’ll need a higher pace for 20 seconds then a light recovery pace for 10 seconds. Complete this 16 times
This takes getting used to so be advised not to go flat out from the start!
Regression – slow the pace down with sprints.
Progression – 30 seconds on / 30 seconds off!
III) Distance – 10 minutes
The aim here is steady run and at a faster pace if possible.
Progression – faster pace / interval sprints.
IV) Steady recovery
A steady pace for 5 – 10 minutes as a recovery.
V) Tabata – 12 minutes
Couple of different options for this one.
Basic: 20 second sprint / 10 second recovery (jog or light walk) x24
Advanced: three minute sprint / one minute jog x3
Repeat to 12 minutes.
VI) Hill climb
A progressive hill climb at a steady pace for 10 minutes.
Utilise a rest at the end of the climb if needed.
VII) Distance – 20 minutes
Final part of this run is to build up the distance. This can lead into the cool down.
Basic option: ten minute steady pace to the conclusion of this run.
Advanced: up to 30 minutes for distance aiming to keep the speed up for the duration.
(Overall Regression: break into component parts with rests between.)
This type of run should be completed 2–3 times in the seven day rotation with the other runs being focused solely on sprinting.
Tip of the Week: Strength
Deadlifts, squats, bench press etc should not be confined only to a gym buffs routine!
If you have a strength plan that involves these compound movements, you’ll not only improve your overall endurance but also your power particularly on hills.
Performed in the right way (with the correct repetition ranges and sets) it will ignite your running to the next level.
The RYPT app has hundreds of exercises which can be included in your personalised plan as part of the membership package.
Give it a test for free today and you’ll be surprised!
Fitness challenge of the Day is now finished on RYPT Facebook page but you can still catch all the challenges on there. Lookout for the next monthly competition and other fitness incentives.