The Beginner’s Running Guide
- How to train for your first event
- * Memories of being new to running!
I remember when I started running, the slog of watching the clock and trying not to die.
Nowadays it’s much easier, in fact I sometimes need to watch I’m not spending too long out running (particularly in a new environment).
On Saturday I took my cousin out for a run / sprint session and recognised a few things that I did when I started running.
For the record, he did admirably! His second outdoor run and he was still going strong by the end.
The fact I was feeling it more than usual says all you need to know about how I was being pushed too!
It’s highly unusual for me to stop during a run but I broke this rule in favour of going harder on the sprints! It was stop / start for a reason (in order to improve lung capacity and endurance). It’s important to understand the different types of runs when you start.
My Sunday run was more of a long, slow duration run and there is a big difference between the two. This type of run is less beneficial for retaining muscle mass (“tone”) but is suited for people training for an event.
The former is undoubtedly the more difficult of the two!
So what would be my top tips for someone looking to improve running performance but still at beginner level?
Well, let’s start with the basics…
1) Understand the Conditions
Not every run is the same. Sometimes you will be sore from previous runs / gym sessions, other times not so much.
If you don’t have a route planned then you really are going in blindfolded. Some form of preparation will assist you. On the other hand, too much thinking inhibits action: sometimes you do just need to get out and run! Commit to it then go!
Remember that a good warmup includes bodyweight exercises before you even get round to leaving the house. See the “RYPT Warmup” on YouTube for guidance on this.
It will not only prevent injury but get the whole body ready: not just the legs. One simple but crucial difference.
If you want the best performance, you need your whole body ready to go.
When it comes to conditions, terrain is involved here too…
My cousin made the error of starting too quickly on the sprints (and it’s easily done) sometimes you are best leaving some energy for nearer the end, especially if you are out of condition.
Not only that but the run was uphill to start with too by the time we reached the summit, he was feeling it!
I was speeding up my sprints (as we were doing alternate lamppost sprints) and must admit even I needed a few seconds to catch my breath.
So start slowly, get your rhythm and then the endurance will come rather than bursting out the blocks and struggling.
2) Technique
You may think that there’s not much to running.
Just lace up the shoes and go running. However, if your technique is inefficient then you stand little chance of being able to continue for long.
Running is a science – the more efficient that you can make your body, the more energy you can store. You see it all the time, runners with arms flailing or upper body almost performing a swimming stroke.
That’s the last thing you want.
This is a waste of your energy and could also lead to injuries (not necessarily just in the legs)!
Think about Usain Bolt, he makes it look easy! Much like the best golf swings in the world involve an effortless transfer of contifugral force, that should be your goal too.
Sprints are somewhat different (that sounds hypocritical having mentioned Bolt) but you are aiming to propel yourself off your front foot then slow down by leaning back more.
Depending on what the purpose of your session is will dictate your technique. Either way, endurance runs should involve less with the upper body, primarily leg pushes and a relatively passive upper body (with good posture).
3) Beginning
Taking it back to the most basic level, your first ever run.
My advice here would be: walk. Don’t try to do too much and it’s alright to run then walk. Running is tough and to begin with it can be hell.
So take it easy, whatever pace you need to go at is what you should choose.
The quickest way to feel overwhelmed with running is to do too much! My first few runs were only 10–15 minutes then I added on new loops of the neighbourhood and it increased from there.
The interval principle will work (whereby you sprint then walk) but it will also leave you feeling more sore then next day. This is the build up of lactic acid in the body (from the muscles working so hard to push oxygen to the areas needed).
A modified sprint session is advised! Rather than walk then sprint – jog instead (so the difference in speed is no so great and won’t build up as much lactic acid).
I’ve trained clients in the past who have been too conscious that they started running in the dark (or early morning). I must admit, most of my initial runs were in the late evening. This was a combination of me not being a morning person and also having work through the day.
You should listen to your body ultimately. I know my ideal time for exercise is about 11am but it’s not always practical. I am starting to get into a routine of exercising earlier in the day but with future commitments, it may mean evening sessions.
If you struggle with sprints, try long slow duration too. There are multiple types of runs rather than just a steady pace. Fartlek is a Swedish concept where you freestyle your own sprints. I do prefer structure myself but sometimes that can even just become lamppost to lamppost sprints.
The best way, particularly for marathon training is a mixture! Different types of training work different muscles / energy systems and all contribute to better all round performance.
My main focus when I was running was simple; “do not stop.” I felt psychologically, that if I stopped then the rest of the run was futile.
It would almost be a sign of me giving up. If I had a good run it was usually down to the fact that I persevered. I had some atrocious runs (normally when feeling ill) but if I kept going then I had won, mentally at least!
I ran through every type of weather imaginable including a near monsoon but it all gave me a mental grittiness that certainly helped with other areas of my life. Stopping on a run was defeat, even if the alternative was plodding along slowly. I’m not saying that there weren’t runs when I quit but it was vital I tried not to.
Besides, progress gets addictive. You will soon find that you want to run further, faster and embrace the freedom of running. I certainly did (primarily because I didn’t have a car so would run miles on a Sunday to compensate).
If you are looking to get into running, then the RYPT Beginner’s Guide to… series on YouTube is for you.
Also, get your free LEN health check from the RYPT homepage. A comprehensive questionnaire that allows me target my health advice to YOU. Good news: most of it doesn’t involve exercise, instead a few tweaks to nutrition or mindset!
So, keep on running!