The Best Piece of Home Gym Equipment is…

Ross Yeoman
4 min readFeb 26, 2021

The Best Piece of Gym Equipment

  • Designing a home gym
  • Effective and versatile equipment

It’s hard to believe that it has almost been one year since we have been in a lockdown. Mentally it has been tough but physically that depends on your outlook and how much keeping fit is a priority to you. Having experience with my own personal gym, it has taught me a lot about the effectiveness of certain pieces of equipment.

I have pondered and pontificated much about this one: simply put, what is the most versatile, effective and reasonably priced piece of gym equipment for home training?

Believe me, there are a lot of contenders when it comes to gym equipment and most of them are fads. Having been involved in fitness for over ten years now, it is evident that the most effective pieces of equipment are those that are true to the test of time.

You have the old classics such as dumbbells and barbells. However when it comes to home training these are not easy to store, they are very expensive and do not necessarily provide the best benefit for the investment.

Undoubtedly, in an ideal world these would be the go-to pieces of fitness equipment for home gyms. However it requires vast sums to obtain a full set of dumbbells or barbells. that you’re looking at a full-scale gym.

On the other hand, there are other pieces of fitness equipment such as BOSU balls, ViPR’s and so on which have gained notoriety.

Even after only a few years of these being released, it becomes evident that these are not sustainable and only provide a very specific function. Equipment like this would be ideal if you have a full gym and money is not an object. However, with a particular niche not harbouring overall results, it is evident that money is better spent elsewhere.

So what are the alternatives? Well, for me there are two distinct pieces of fitness equipment that offer real value for money. A suspension training system (or TRX for the official one) allows you to leverage your bodyweight and provide resistance by anchoring the unit to a wall or door frame.

There are many hundreds of variations of exercise that you can do with this one piece of equipment. You don’t require heavy weights in order to increase the difficulty, merely shift your feet position.

It is very simple and effective to progress your training plan besides providing a full training system. Whilst not being completely inexpensive, here real one costs just over £100 but it is a great investment.

Finally, the most effective and inexpensive piece of gym equipment in my opinion would be resistance bands. These are very inexpensive, usually under £20. They can be transported anywhere, even if you’re travelling. There are again, hundreds of variations of exercises which can be progressed depending on the tension on the band. I guarantee this will get your results, regardless of your fitness level. I have seen even seasoned individuals getting results from using bands.

Simply, if you are looking at building any kind of home fitness regime they should certainly be part of your plan. It’s very simple to pick up and use this bit of equipment and you will get results relatively quickly.

The RYPT home training plan is available regardless of what equipment you have access to with a tailored plan.

There are many different training systems available but the free, 60-page, 12 week, RYPT plan is designed for progression, regardless of what equipment you have available. There is no catch, I only ask for a testimonial at the end so I can improve the system for others.

The RYPT beginner’s home workout plan is available with a day by day plan, contact me directly.

RYPT is built around sustainability, moderation and enjoyment. Through the RYPT app, you will be guided every step of the way and have full support too.

If you have any questions about health, fitness, wellbeing, exercise or nutrition please contact me directly for help!


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Ross Yeoman

RYPT is about sustainability, moderation and enjoyment through health and wellbeing coaching. Personalised Online Fitness coaching. RYPT will get YOU results!