“The Clean-Eating Myth”
- Why it can be harmful
- * Tactics for better health
I’ve referenced “clean-eating” a lot lately so thought I would clarify a couple of things.
Also today, I noticed that Joe Wicks said he doesn’t believe in clean eating either.
There are numerous reasons behind this but I thought I would give some perspective.
For the record, with RYPT online fitness I offer nutritional reviews as an extra (to get dedicated support on improving your wellbeing.
This is not a “diet plan” but rather working in consultation with you about your goals and making it something you can achieve.
I’ll narrow it to three simple reasons why “clean eating” is not the solution for most people…
1) Rhetoric
The whole idea that some food is “clean” instinctively suggests that it’s better overall.
This may be the case, however most food has nutritional value anyway. Aside from takeaways, it’s not always cut and dry what constitutes “clean.” Some will undoubtedly have higher quality but it’s all about balance.
As part of a healthy eating plan, there should be plenty fruit and veg anyway. If you are failing to get the right balance of this, then chances are that your blood glucose will be high, leading to sugar cravings and fatigue. This is common for being looking to change their nutritional habits.
Eating well can be done with balance. Removing sauces and dressings will clearly reduce your caloric intake and lead to some result. On the other hand, I am big believer in enjoying your food! If you can’t enjoy your food, it will have an impact on how you digest it too. This in turn will increase your stress (cortisol) levels in the longer run.
2) Cheat Meals
One of the main ideas behind Clean Eating is the concept that you severely restrict your “cheat meals.”
For starters, I believe that “cheat meals” here are named incorrectly. A “cheat” suggests that you don’t deserve it and are hampering your progress though this is not the case (if used correctly).
On the other hand, if you treat them as “treats” then you’ll not be subject to the same guilt.
You can use treat meals to actively improve your performance. For example if you don’t feel like training, then you could use it as motivation to have a pizza or curry later. Obviously, this wouldn’t be every day but as part of a balanced diet then it can improve your motivation.
Even worse would be the idea that you can never have a treat meal. Being of the mindset that you can never have anything other than clean foods (restriction) inevitably leads to failure as we crave these items more
Moderation and having a sustainable nutritional plan are the best ways around this.
Ideally having your week planned ahead will help to nullify the possibility of deviating from your plan. If you have a contingency plan (for when things go wrong) then even better.
In my case, if I know that I’ll be away for a few days / not near a shop then I will ensure that I have some fruit or nuts with me. This will normally help me resist making poor food choices along the way.
How often do we make poor choices when hungry and tired? If you can have something to stave that off then you are already winning.
3) Strict Adherence
More specifically the reason why I don’t believe in diets full stop: strictness.
Life inevitably throws some blockades to plans that we make. Most people struggle to adapt to this.
When we miss out on one clean meal, it soon becomes two and then the weekend hits so Monday becomes the next goal. Furthermore, without the flexibility that comes with knowing what to eat, it’s much more difficult.
I firmly believe in education to create a sustainable routine rather than a scripted response / template.
If you know WHY, then you are far more empowered!
WHAT will only take you so far but is a powerful starting point. What in this case would be the choice of foods available and picking the right one (although this will be subjective and depend on numerous factors).
Even more basic than WHAT is HOW MUCH. Having a basic plan of nutrition will guide you to better portion control.
As I’ve mentioned before, if you are changing your nutrition and take nothing else from this blog: download. the MyFitnessPal app. It will ensure that you are on track and understand the unit requirements of every meal.
Ultimately it will give you context too! Seeing numbers much like units on alcohol won’t mean anything until you understand it. Data is simply information without context – it’s more powerful understand the context!
Knowledge is power and certainly in this case!
Ultimately, people will know what is best for them. I can only provide knowledge of my experiences and guidance. It will work for some people and they will swear by it (I’ve nothing against that).
RYPT is all about creating a routine that is in moderation, sustainable and enjoyable. You shouldn’t need to sacrifice too much of what you love to get where you want to be.
Faster changes could be made but it wouldn’t be sustainable or enjoyable.
Similarly, doing too much of what you enjoy could have the opposite effect!
The formula is simple! I’ve made it even more basic with my free RYPT health assessment.
A comprehensive 20 point plan (without having to leave your desk).
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