The Paradox of Choice
> Is less actually more?
> What TV show got me thinking?
This week I clocked into a BBC programme about two people switching their lives and living in someone else’s shoes.
I don’t normally dive into these things but it was worth a watch and certainly changed my perspective.
Episode one was about how a Malawian farmer switched with an English office worker for a month.
The two could not be more different. One had readily accessible heat, water, food and comforts, the other was subject to long walks to retrieve water, struggle for food and a lack of material wealth.
What unfolded changed my idea of what our lives are like.
The Malawian farmer settled into the comforts of English life with no qualms and “life is easier.”
The Englishman embraced the new surroundings and had a passion for farming. Long days in the sun, hard labour and a lack of amenities made it difficult. Despite that, he enjoyed it more than I expected.
Shopping meant a trek on a “bus” for over an hour each way to find food that was relatively expensive and caused strain to the family.
The farm methods are very labour intensive and having to work harder for what you eat would certainly make you appreciate it more.
In terms of English life, the Malawian was in awe of how busy, metropolitan and accessible everything was to him. On the other hand, there was no sign of him working / doing the 80 hour weeks.
The main thing that the Englishman learned from his time in Malawi was that relationships with family and friends are more important at the end of the day than working excessively.
His own relationships with his kids were toiling and the main thing that he took away was to rebuild these bridges.
It is the simple things in life that we derive pleasure from: time with friends, having our health / freedom and being able to talk to others. It’s often when we are most withdrawn that we experience sadness and a depletion of motivation.
Basic social interaction has been scientifically proven to make us happier.
The exchange at the end between the two proved this: the Malawian, George, giving advice on improving his family life. Whilst he may lack material wealth, the happiness he has on a daily basis more than accounts for this.
It just shows that despite all the material wealth, it’s possible to be happy with less. If anything, George came out of the experience less well off! He is content with his life and surroundings which I applaud him for.
At the end of the day, our health and friendships are all we realistically require to lead a “good life.”
It’s about adjusting our perspectives to appreciate what’s important.
Don’t let your health slide and neglect other parts of your life…
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