Ross Yeoman
3 min readJun 5, 2020

Top Three Home Training Exercises

  • Adapt your approach
  • Better routine planning

Home Workouts are inevitably the go-to fitness trend at the moment.

For better or worse, there are numerous methods of training and styles you can follow.

One undeniable truth is that the more efficiently you train, the better results you will get.

Personally, I've achieved more through home training than gym workouts which has surprised me immensely.

It's about the intensity of training when it's easy to get distracted training from home.

I find that the dog running about, deliveries and background noise can be distracting but you do find a way around it.

On the plus side, you have the flexibility of training times and duration when self isolating.

There are so many exercises but how do you know which ones are most effective?

In my opinion, there are three crucial Exercises to any home workout routine. However, the most effective way to train is to have a sustainable fitness plan like the free RYPT Home Workouts:


Squats when performed correctly are a great all over body exercise.

Through stabilising the upper body, you can improve your core strength and power.

You'd be amazed by how much power you can generate in a squat. They are essential to any gym plan.

Obviously at home you are unlikely to have access to multiple weight plates and a barbell. So improving and doing more repetitions of bodyweight or any weighted item to add difficulty.

Overhead squats are another variation that you can incorporate. Goblet squats can be used where the weight is held in front of the chest are useful too.

Find it here:

Upright Row

This exercise does require a weight (or improvisation).

Pulling the weight up in front of your body towards your chin requires a degree of stabilisation using the core, chest and shoulders.

It is difficult to lift correctly whereby only the arms move but it is superb for the muscles aforementioned.

This exercise will build your shoulder definition far more than any shoulder press movement.

Tense the core and use the arms / trapezius muscles to lift for maximum effect.

Find it here:

Chest Flyes

Again, the best exercises are the ones that incorporate the most muscle groups.

A slowly and correctly performed chest fly will open out the chest, stretch the core and challenge the arms.

It's important to feel the shoulder blades open up as you perform this. Deliberate and controlled movements are essential.

You should be aiming to perfect the movement and difficulty can be added by changing the palm position. For example have the palms face away from your head as you lift.

Find it here:

There are many exercises that you can use, these are just a handful of the most effective ones, in my opinion given the current limitations.

The RYPT beginner's home workout plan is scheduled on the RYPT Facebook page, LinkedIn and is available with a day by day plan by contacting me directly.

RYPT is built around sustainability, moderation and enjoyment. Through the RYPT app, you will be guided every step of the way and have full support too.

If you have any questions about health, fitness, wellbeing, exercise or nutrition please contact me directly for help!


Owner RYPT.

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Ross Yeoman
Ross Yeoman

Written by Ross Yeoman

RYPT is about sustainability, moderation and enjoyment through health and wellbeing coaching. Personalised Online Fitness coaching. RYPT will get YOU results!

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