Ross Yeoman
3 min readJan 25, 2017

TV Review: How to Lose Weight Well

  • The facts behind other diets
  • * One reason why ANY diet will fail

As if by accident, I stumbled across another instalment of “How to Lose Weight Well.” Obviously this is an ongoing series and I’ve missed a few espisoes.

After a good gym session (with a quiet gym at my new facility) it was good to relax when I got home – apart from writing this.

There are cutting insights into the participants own circumstances and they do highlight common problems. Numerous diets failed and one that involved a severe reduction of foods was critiqued that it “doesn’t work at all.”

Other participants noted that they ALREADY knew what they were doing wrong but still gaining weight. My response to that would be that diets alone will never work, there are other factors.

“The new Abs Diet” revolves around 12 “ power foods” (which has been a popular phrase lately) and workouts. Nothing revolutionary but simple and effective. I would argue that variety is the key and “power foods” are useful but you shouldn’t base your whole plan around them.

“The South Coast Diet” was also looked at and it has different phases which progress into starchy wholegrains. Another fad if you ask me.

I think the telling aspect of the show was one of the lady’s trying the Dukan Diet…

During this trial, she lost 7 pounds in 10 days – phenomenal going! However, when asked is she would continue, the answer was a resounding no. That tells you all about the discipline required to succeed in a short term plan.

As I mention frequently, the time:intensity graph is important.

You can achieve the result you want depending on how much time (or pressure) that you are placing on it.

Less time requires more intensity (or sacrifices). On the other hand, smaller changes can result in fantastic results over time.

Slow and steady does win the race rather than burning out and quitting.

There was even a diet examined about intravenous vitamins. This seems to completely defeat the purpose of nutritious foods! Similar to my argument about supplements, you should get the basics correct first before worrying about such abstract ideas.

Numerous diets were examined, some that I’m frankly going to ignore because they are absolutely ludacris and don’t do anything to help my target audience.

One participant said : “my dislike of vegetables has gone through the roof” and most diets prescribe a plan. This “monkey see, monkey do” perspective can only stretch so far.

This is normally a huge hurdle but requires dedication to get over it. I find that this is breaking point for many people.

I don’t give nutritional plans (rather I review and find a mutually agreeable plan) but there are usually some difficult points. See the RYPT homepage for details on nutritional evaluation packages.

It all boils down to one thing…

I would love to see a diet programme that focused on people’s mindset rather than the food.

In my opinion, the food that goes in is an irrelevance if the mind is not in the right place.

Stressed, tired, panicked, rushed or frustrated will all impact your choices. Therefore getting the mindset correct will inherently improve the quality of food you eat!

Get your personalised lifestyle, exercise and nutritional report all from by ticking a few boxes…


Ross Yeoman
Ross Yeoman

Written by Ross Yeoman

RYPT is about sustainability, moderation and enjoyment through health and wellbeing coaching. Personalised Online Fitness coaching. RYPT will get YOU results!

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